Food is clearly a topic close to the hearts of of our readers! Last week’s story by expat blogger Rebecca on eating out in Port Moresby created a lot of discussion on social media.

Dessert at Airways. Credit: Airways Hotel
Responding to Rebecca’s article, here are some of eating suggestions from Business Advantage PNG readers on LinkedIn:
‘Seoul House-Korean Restaurant. Hubert Murray Hwy 5-Mile Ph 325-2231’
‘Pizza at the Airways poolside’ [Look for ‘flat breads’ on the menu—Ed.]
‘Asia Aromas without doubt!!!!’
‘Lamana ………….awesome curries and Indian food .. leave before the music starts’
‘Ela Beach’
PNG’s Facebookers were not to be left out either:
‘Duffy for coffee and snacks
Magi Seafood for Chinese
The Woks for Malaysian
Holiday Inn for Breakfast Buffet
Airways for Deserts & Cheese Platters
Foodstation for Lunch’‘Shady rest best indian … best lobster is at konadobu resort’
‘Gateway for Indian food.’
‘Bon Cafe … best place for light lunch. Money’s worth.’
‘Yacht Club’
Our favourite was this evocative suggestion for the more adventurous diner:
‘Under the Marmar trees at Konedobu where they serve great sausages, lamflaps, biku, and kaukau’
Bon appétit!
Hogs Double Boss Burger for a weekend brunch treat at Hogsbreath Vision City. 🙂