Eunice Parua is an under 40 Papua New Guinean who is dazzling with her executive skills. She is a Litigation Partner at Leahy, Lewin, Lowing, Sullivan Lawyers, and she sat down with us to talk about inspiration, motivation and leadership. This is the third part of our Executive Class series.

Leahy, Lewin, Lowing, Sullivan Lawyers’ Eunice Parua. Credit: Godfreeman Kaptigau
What motivates you?
I do the things I do so I can be a person of value to my country, my society and my family.
I know God created me for a reason and in this life. I will strive to do my utmost best to serve Him and those around me.
What’s the most important quality of a leader?
Integrity. A leader must be honest and have strong moral principles. Being at the top means there are not a lot of people who can keep you in check, so you’ve got to keep yourself in check and be able to stand for what is right and drive that through the organisation.
If you were hiring someone for a job today, what are the key qualities you would be looking for?
As with most private firms in PNG, we mostly hire young law graduates out from the Legal Training Institute. We look for candidates with good academic qualifications, as well as the personality and drive. We look at what volunteer work or roles they’ve performed in the past, as well as any leadership tasks they’ve taken up.
‘I’ve had the blessing of having some really good mentors in my career who’ve had an impact on my views, my approach to work and who have given me advice, opportunities and support.’
How have your parents influenced your work?
My childhood was great. I grew up in a middle-class family with both parents working and sending us off to good schools. I made some amazing friends in school with similar backgrounds, who I still have in my life. I also had a supportive extended family so grew up very secure around lots of aunts, uncles and my grandparents.
Who has influenced your career most?
I’ve had the blessing of having some really good mentors in my career who’ve had an impact on my views, my approach to work and who have given me advice, opportunities and support to handle the different aspects of my career. From a very young age I always looked up to my aunt, Margareth Parua, who is a lawyer and a businesswoman.
At work, I’ve been mentored by the senior partners of the firm. In the work I do in corporate governance and board roles, Stan Joyce, Sir Mahesh Patel and Isikeli Taureka have been guiding influences.
How has COVID-19 changed business?
The biggest impact COVID-19 has had on businesses in PNG is in advancing the use of technology. Technology has changed not only the way we do work but how we work. It has enabled us to work from home or work from wherever we are, essentially creating ‘mobile offices’, which could be the future for the way work can be done.
Office space is expensive, so with the increase in the use of technology, I can easily see people choosing to cut costs by having remote offices. IT and the knowledge of computers will become a crucial skill to have in the coming years.
Businesses must adapt and change to become digital and use more technology in order to stay relevant and beat their competitors.
What are your top tips for success in business and life?
You must have principles or boundaries in life that act as guiding posts. Be honest and work hard. What you plant you will sow, so even though you may not see results immediately, be sure that the fruits of your labour will come sometime in the future.
This is an excerpt from the article ‘Executive class’, which first published in the October-December 2022 edition of PNG Now, Papua New Guinea’s leading lifestyle magazine. Read the emag here.
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