Grace Roland, 27, is the operations coordinator for Friends of PomGen (Port Moresby General Hospital), a non-profit organisation that raises funds for the hospital.

Credit: Dean Arek
My days at work are taken up with managing social media platforms, organising charity drives and coordinating donations, whether they are in cash or kind. I also do administrative tasks and liaise with organisations that contribute to Friends of PomGen. It is fulfilling to be doing something to help the community. I believe that when everyone gives a little, it goes a long way.
My philosophy is to always keep striving to better yourself in any opportunity and experience you may come across.
I graduated from the Divine Word University in 2016 with a bachelor’s degree in business management and I aspired originally to work in marketing.
One of my job interviews was a nightmare because I missed the plane from Chimbu to Port Moresby. Crowne Plaza Residences had contacted me for the interview, but with a six-month-old baby and lots of luggage in tow I missed the plane by minutes. Friends helped me financially to purchase a space on the next available flight. I arrived late for my interview but thankfully the effort was worth it as I was fortunate enough to get the job as conference and events coordinator.
‘I believe that when everyone gives a little, it goes a long way.’
Joining big companies such as Nestle and Steamships gave me experience in marketing. Leaving Steamships, I was lucky enough to be selected for a marketing development internship program with a global organisation called Pacifical, based in the Netherlands. Focused on sustainable practices within the global tuna market, the experience with Pacifical gave me an insight on how brandin and marketing plays a crucial role in large organisations and developed countries.
A career highlight was being selected by Steamships to be part of a special projects committee under the APEC Business Advisory Council Committee (ABAC) responsible for organising the APEC CEO summit in Port Moresby in 2018.
I was selected as a market development intern in the Netherlands for the Pacific Market Development after I left Steamships.
I started my work with Friends of PomGen as a communications officer before becoming operations coordinator. I am so pleased to now be able to apply my experience to humanitarian work.
The story ‘At work with Grace Roland’ was first published in the October-December edition of PNG Now, Papua New Guinea’s leading lifestyle magazine. Read the emag edition here.
Well done! Inspiring.