How does Kina Bank, one of Papua New Guinea’s major banks, approach innovation and change? We caught up with Martha Nion-Tefuarani, Head of Kinatech Strategy & Business Engagement at the Innovation PNG 2023 conference at APEC Haus, Port Moresby on 10 November.

Kina Bank’s Martha Nion-Tefuarani
What does the word innovation mean to you?
The word innovation to me means to create, to make better, to improve, to survive.
‘As much new technology is innovation, it’s also about people’
To me, it gives purpose on our existence as employees, as people in our community and as humans.
How does it feature in your role at Kina Bank?
At Kina Bank, we’re fostering co-creation, by bringing together people across the organisation from different business units – irrespective of technical background or skills – to contribute their ideas, thoughts and perceptions of how the world is changing, what they see in our markets from a ‘GLO-CAL’ [global and local] context, and how we can make sense of this collectively, to chart our way forward in this service industry, as we progress through change.
Is there a particular innovation that you’re most proud of being involved with?
I am most proud of being involved in the initiation of our open payment platform, Pei Beta, which has been launched recently.
During the initiation process, we had sat together with representatives across the business and sketched out what the service model could like look and how it could contribute to our customers’ prosperity.
It was remarkable to see the amount of talent and passion for innovation we had in the room, that led to the development of a prototype and the eventual deployment of a solution in the market that is accessible by anyone – you don’t even have to bank with us.
What are you hoping delegates took away from your ‘fireside chat’ at Innovation PNG?
The reminder that, as much new technology is innovation, it’s also about people, and bringing your people along that journey with you.
Look at the macro signals of change that may potentially impact your service offering, make sense of it in a local context and be open with your people – pivot together.
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