2024 Business Advantage Papua New Guinea Investment Conference and Expo, Brisbane


The 2024 Business Advantage Papua New Guinea Investment Conference and Expo will held at the Brisbane Convention and Exhibition Centre, Brisbane, Australia on Monday 12 and Tuesday 13 August 2024.

Brisbane Convention and Exhibition Centre, location for the 2024 Business Advantage PNG Investment Conference.

Hosted by Papua New Guinea’s leading business media, the conference will once more promote business and investment opportunities in PNG, showcasing a wide range of industry sectors right across the economy.

Held over two days at BCEC’s premium Plaza Auditorium on Brisbane’s Southbank, the conference will have an all-new program, building on our highly successful 2023 conference at the same venue.

The 2024 conference will feature

  • international keynotes
  • panel discussions
  • case studies
  • audio-video presentations
  • interactive sessions
  • a social program, and
  • a full Expo

all run in a relaxed and conducive environment.

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Most importantly, this professionally-curated event will provide investors and business leaders with the opportunity to network in a setting where every conversation is worthwhile.

Details of the full conference program and registrations will be announced in due course at www.pnginvestmentconference.com.

In the meantime, to register your interest in sponsoring, exhibiting, speaking at or partnering with this prestigious event, please email events@businessadvantageinternational.com.

Event Location:

Advertiser:  Business Advantage International

Website: www.pnginvestmentconference.com
Email:  events@businessadvantageinternational.com