Already a producer of beverages, liquors and coffee, Port Moresby-based Vitis Industries has now launched its own range of beers. Business Advantage PNG speaks with owner Sergey Mosin about his ambitions for the business.

Some of Vitis Industries’ new range of PNG-brewed beers.
‘It’s a small brewery,’ Vitis Industries’ General Manager Sergey Mosin tells Business Advantage PNG. ‘Our output is 5,000 litres per day and we use a batch brewing process.
‘So, it takes about 60 days to complete the bottling process.’
Vitis’ brewery is only the second (legal) brewery in PNG and Mosin is hoping to be a strong competitor to S P Brewery, which has enjoyed a dominant market position for 50 years.
‘The main idea behind the manufacturing of our range of spirits and liquors is to utilise locally grown agriculture crops and convert them into valuable and long lasting products’
Mosin says his brewery uses batch-brewing, a method more often used these days by boutique breweries, which produces a more traditional style of beer.
‘The beer market in PNG is bigger than the market for other spirits or wines,’ he says. ‘Out of 10 people entering the bottle shop, seven will buy beer.’
Two Mosin beers are already on sale: Mosin Classic Lager and Mosin Golden Lager.

Vitis vodka
‘They are on sale at some supermarkets in Port Moresby, and some other centres. It will be a while before they are available throughout the country, but that is our aim. It is also available on our online store.
‘Reaction has been positive. Consumers like the quality, which is because of the way it is produced. And they like having the additional choice and variety.’
Later this year, says Mosin, another five styles will go on sale: Mosin Stout (5% alcohol), Mosin Ale (4.5%), Mosin Pilsner (5%), Mosin Ice Beer (5.5%) and Mosin Porter (9%).
‘The Porter is my favourite beer and reminds me of my young days in the USSR. It is strong, with a dense body, sweet, with a rich hops flavour, some hint of vanilla and a dark rich colour.’
Using local produce

Mosin instant coffee
The beer range complements the company’s existing range of beverages, spirits, liquors, natural coffee and Noni juice.
‘The main idea behind the manufacturing of our range of spirits and liquors is to utilise locally grown agriculture crops and convert them into valuable and long lasting products,’ explains Mosin.
Vitis’ Coffee Punch, Coffee Schnapps, Vanilla Punch, Vanilla Schnapps, Brandy Punch, Dark Rum, Aloe Vera vodka and Noni vodka are all produced using locally grown agriculture crops, he says.
Coffee production
As well as packaged drinks, Vitis owns a 650 hectare coffee plantation at Wau in Morose Province, which produces 100% Arabica coffee.
‘We produce green coffee beans for export, as well as roasted coffee beans, drip coffee, instant liquid coffee and coffee capsules for Nespresso coffee makers,’ says Mosin.
About Vitis Industries
Vitis Industries was incorporated as a company in 2002 by Sergey Mosin and his wife Vikki. Sergey is originally from Russia’s south-western Orel province where, from as early as the 19th century, his family had a distillery producing vodka and other spirits and liquors.
The company employs about 1,000 people. Five hundred are employed at its 9 Mile factory in Port Moresby; another 150 permanent staff work at the Wau plantation, where 300 seasonal staff are also employed.
Vitis also runs an online store, Fortuna Online. Since 2009, its international export markets have expanded to include Australia, China and Japan.
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