People moves: KK Kingston


A new board Chairman and director at KK Kingston

People 02KK Kingston has appointed Bob Hansen as its new Chairman. Hansen was formerly Chief Executive Officer and Managing Director of Mainland Holdings. Howard Wilson, formerly with MAN Automotive and Wanless Enviro Services in Australia, has also been appointed as a Director as a replacement for Carl Winter, who resigned from the board more than a year ago.

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  1. John B Susuve says

    The Government of PNG should be very careful on how it is spending money on impact infrastructure projects. Some of these projects have been ‘tied down’ with overseas financiers, such as the Exim Bank of china, where all infrastructure projects will be dished out to contractors of Asian origin.

    Again its a set back to our local contractors who have been successfully operating in the country for well over 30 years. Namely Shonecliffe curtain Brother etc.. For instance the new 9mile road project which has been warded to a Chinese contractor is “below standards” of poor quality, which cannot withstand the hash conditions of Port Moresby. Once again the authorities need to look into this situation and try to do something before its too late.

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