What does the 2023 PNG 100 CEO Survey tell us about business confidence in Papua New Guinea? [analysis]

The results of the 2023 PNG 100 CEO Survey, Papua New Guinea's annual business confidence survey, have been released. Westpac’s Senior Economist, Justin Smirk, draws on 12 years of survey results to highlight the changes in business conditions and the issues faced by business.
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Opinion: How exposed is Papua New Guinea’s economy to a tiny cluster of companies?

Papua New Guinea relies heavily on a limited number of taxpayers. Paul Barker, Executive Director of industry-funded think tank, the Institute of National Affairs, considers the implications for government expenditure and PNG's foreign exchange situation.
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Analysis: Assessing the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank

The Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank highlights China's collaborative approach, but who's benefiting from the bank? What's its footprint in the Pacific? and what does a 'greener' future look its current and new projects? Devpolicy's Senior Researcher, Cameron Hill, provides an overview.
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