Papua New Guinea’s ‘engine room’ seeing new investment, says Lae Chamber president


In spite of the challenges, Papua New Guinea’s second city, Lae, is experienced some significant new investments. Business Advantage PNG sits down with John Byrne, President of the Lae Chamber of Commerce, to discuss the state of play in the country’s “engine room”.

Papua New Guinea manufacturers’ vote of confidence


While Papua New Guinea’s economy has slowed in the past year, many of the country’s manufacturers continue to see growth as the longer-term trend, and are investing in new plant, new products and new marketing approaches.

In brief: new Petroleum Minister, Oil Search bond buyback and other stories


PNG’s new Petroleum Minister, officials in Abu Dhabi to negotiate Oil Search bond buyback, and the cost of Manus Detention Centre detailed. Your weekly digest of the latest business news.

Interview: Eugene David, Nestlé Pacific Islands


Global food giant Nestlé began importing noodles into Papua New Guinea in the late 1970s and is now one of PNG’s major manufacturers. How does it do business in PNG? Business Advantage PNG asked the Managing Director of Nestlé Pacific Islands, Eugene David.

Economic update: our annual snapshot of Papua New Guinea’s economy


Papua New Guinea enters 2013 with a new government in place, a major gas project nearing completion and some ambitious development goals, reports Business Advantage PNG’s Andrew Wilkins.

Twenty-five years of Nestlé in PNG


2012 marks 25 years of successful manufacturing in Papua New Guinea for global food giant, Nestlé. Nestlé is one of the world’s leading food and nutrition companies, employing more than 330,000 people worldwide and with more than 460 factories across 83 countries. From its humble beginnings in PNG in the late 1970s, Nestlé operations have […]

Lae: Papua New Guinea’s manufacturing hub


PNG’s second-largest city is the focal point for the nation’s downstream processing industries. Although it plays second fiddle to the national capital Port Moresby, Lae in Morobe Province is PNG’s industrial capital and boasts considerable activity in manufacturing, trading, agribusiness and, more recently, fisheries. Lae: the facts Despite being the second city in a country […]

Sector profile: Manufacturing


The range of products manufactured in Papua New Guinea is growing all the time. The range of goods made in PNG is quite impressive. Much of PNG’s manufactured produce is aimed at a domestic consumer market that is growing so rapidly—albeit from a low base—that many local manufacturers are struggling to meet demand. Many producers […]

Private sector rallies against HIV/AIDS


The skills crisis that Papua New Guinea is currently undergoing could pale into comparison over the next couple of decades if PNG’s escalating HIV/AIDS threat is not brought under control. It is estimated that 1–2% of PNG’s population is infected with the HIV/AIDS virus. Besides the obvious social and personal cost, the epidemic also poses […]