Oil Search Directors re-elected, Managing Director at PNG Ports, confirmation of Managing Director of the PNG Forest Authority, new French Overseas Territories Minister
In brief: BSP considers ASX listing, and other business stories
Bank South Pacific explores secondary listing on Australian Exchange, Highlands Pacific considers selling stake in Frieda River project and strategy to counter coffee berry borer due this week. Your weekly digest of the latest business news.
PNG Ports accelerates Lae Industrial Park build, as Stage 2 of port commences
Work on Lae’s Huon Industrial Park has been accelerated while stage two of the Lae Port development is on track to start by mid-2016, says Stanley Alphonse, the CEO of PNG Ports Corporation.
In brief: New Public Enterprises Minister to review state-owned enterprises prior to privatisation, and other business stories
Duma to review SOEs before privatisation process, Santos reported to be selling PNG LNG stake, KCH receives study on proposed 1800MW hydro dam. Your weekly digest of the latest business news.
Construction of Phase Two of Lae port redevelopment to start in 2016
A decision on who will build a second K300 million berth at the Port of Lae is expected by the end of 2015 and construction due to commence in 2016, according to PNG Ports’ Chief Executive Officer, Stanley Alphonse. A new industrial park and an international operator for the port is also on the cards.
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