Could flexible work for parents boost Papua New Guinea firms’ productivity?


Papua New Guinea businesses lose 14 workdays per employee each year to childcare responsibilities, according to a new study by the International Finance Corporation and PNG Business Coalition for Women. But employers have the power to solve this problem, the two leads of the landmark report tell Business Advantage PNG.

Breaking new ground: Tuhava Town shows the way for land use in Papua New Guinea


The ambitious housing development from Rhodes PNG Limited is a “first of its kind” land-use model that aims to deliver affordable housing to the country’s rising middle class.

People moves: Treasury, Bank of Papua New Guinea, World Bank, Datec PNG, IFC and Port Moresby Nature Park


Treasurer reinstated and Bank of Papua New Guinea appoints new Financial Analysis and Supervision Unit (FASU) Director.

Kumul Minerals head: Wafi-Golpu contract to be completed by mid-2024


Sarimu Kanu, Managing Director of state-owned miner Kumul Minerals Holdings, gives an update on the progress of the Wafi-Golpu mine project to Business Advantage PNG, and outlines the company’s strategy to consolidate some of Papua New Guinea’s smaller mining projects.

In brief: the Prime Minister of India visits Papua New Guinea and other business stories


Reduced internet costs could be expected this year, the Finschhafen District Hydropower Project advances and the Prime Minister of India visits Papua New Guinea to participate in forum.

The future is now: how Papua New Guinea can harness renewable energies


From solar mini grids to green hydrogen, Papua New Guinea needs to look to renewable energies to solve its energy needs.

Papua New Guinea has ‘enormous potential’ to increase exports, Eslake tells conference


Delegates to last week’s 2022 Business Advantage Papua New Guinea Investment Conference received an overview of the plans of the new Marape government, as well as detailed economic updates and a range of briefings on opportunities across the country’s key economic sectors.

Papua New Guinea could provide ‘ideal locations’ for green hydrogen production: IFC


Green hydrogen has been touted as the next big move to lower carbon emissions and Papua New Guinea is well positioned to develop this resource. Devesh Singh, the International Finance Corporation’s Operations Officer (Climate & Energy) – South Asia and Pacific, tells Business Advantage PNG what green hydrogen could mean for PNG and other developing nations.

People moves: International Finance Corporation, Steamships, Credit Corporation (PNG), FX Business Centre


The International Finance Corporation (IFC) announces new Country Manager for the region, Steamships welcomes Corporate Affairs Head, Credit Corporation (PNG) appoints new board member and a new General Manager joins FX Business Centre.

In brief: PNGX partners with IFC and other business stories


Papua New Guinea’s national stock exchange partners with the International Finance Corporation (IFC), Prime Minister Marape calls for peace and order during the elections, and Telikom PNG warns about disruptions in services.