Papua New Guinea’s Prime Minister talks business during Independence dinner, Tari Airport reopens and Treasurer Ian Ling-Stuckey on the Central Banking Act. The business news you need to know to kickstart your week.
In brief: Papua New Guinea’s economy has the potential to reach K200 billion in the next 10 years and other business stories
Analysis: is phone data getting cheaper in Papua New Guinea?
There has been much enthusiasm about new undersea internet cables in Papua New Guinea and predicted improvements in internet pricing, but is there a real change? Amanda H A Watson, Picky Airi and Moses Sakai analyse the changes in pricing for the first half of the year.
People moves: Kumul Telikom Holdings
Kumul Telikom Holdings Limited (KTHL) names an Acting Chief Executive Officer for bmobile.
People moves: K92 Mining, Telikom PNG, NCSL
K92 Mining welcomes a new board member, Telikom PNG appoints a new Acting CEO and NCSL’s Board of Directors gets a Deputy Chairman.
Cashless conversion: Papua New Guinea gets ready for an ecommerce revolution
The Coral Sea Cable has landed and the pandemic has forced more businesses to go online, so has ecommerce’s time finally come in PNG? Business Advantage PNG’s latest business briefing asks some of the experts.
Privatisation on the agenda for Papua New Guinea’s state-owned enterprises?
Minister for State Enterprises Sasindran Muthuvel has revealed his plans to reform Papua New Guinean’s under-capitalised state utilities and telecommunications businesses. The future could involve partial privatisation, he says.
Reasons why superannuation is critical to building a strong organisational culture in Papua New Guinea
Six Papua New Guinean companies discuss the benefits of superannuation contributions and share with Business Advantage PNG why it can help companies reduce attendance problems and increase loyalty through super.
In Brief: UK’s post-Brexit deal with Papua New Guinea and other business stories
Post-Brexit deal signed with Papua New Guinea and Fiji, new digital identity scheme and upgrades to Tari Airport in Hela. Your weekly digest of the latest business news.
In brief: Possible rice agreement with the Philippines, and other business stories
A possible rice deal with the Philippines; developments in gas sales; and landowner issues. Your weekly digest of the latest business news.
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