Five questions for Jon Philp, Australian High Commissioner to Papua New Guinea


One of Papua New Guinea’s major trading partners, Australia has continued to increase its support for the country’s economic development, especially in infrastructure. Business Advantage PNG asks Jon Philp, Australia’s High Commissioner to PNG, about the intent of Australia’s aid program in PNG and its priorities.

Papua New Guinea has ‘enormous potential’ to increase exports, Eslake tells conference


Delegates to last week’s 2022 Business Advantage Papua New Guinea Investment Conference received an overview of the plans of the new Marape government, as well as detailed economic updates and a range of briefings on opportunities across the country’s key economic sectors.

What can Papua New Guinea expect from Australia’s new government?


Infrastructure funding aimed at climate change mitigation and a new Pacific Engagement Visa are among the expected initiatives from the new Australian government elected last weekend.

The shipping forecast: the vision for expanding Papua New Guinea’s ports


This week saw the announcement of AUD$580 million (K1.45 billion) in financing support from Australia for Papua New Guinea’s ports. PNG Ports’ Managing Director Fego Ota Kiniafa outlines how the money will be spent and how the state-owned entity has managed the challenges of the past year.

Roads to recovery: Connect PNG to offer K3 billion in capital works contracts


Phase 1 of Papua New Guinea’s ambitious K20 billion Connect PNG infrastructure plan will see a focus on connecting capital city Port Moresby to the second city of Lae by road, according to the Department of Works and Implementation Secretary, David Wereh. Funding the work remains a challenge, however.

Five reasons you should attend the 2021 Papua New Guinea Investment Conference online


The three-day 2021 Business Advantage Papua New Guinea Investment Conference starts live-streaming at 9am on Tuesday 7 September. Andrew Wilkins, Publishing Director and conference host, Business Advantage International, outlines the reasons why this is the year to attend.

K4.96 billion Australian fund starts to invest in Papua New Guinea infrastructure


At a time when private sector investment is stalling, the A$2 billion [K4.96 billion] Australian Infrastructure Financing Facility for the Pacific is ramping up and targeting projects that will help drive Papua New Guinea’s economy.

Australia to provide A$2 billion to improve commercial infrastructure development in Papua New Guinea


The A$2 billion Australian Infrastructure Financing Facility for the Pacific aims to significantly boost Australia’s support for commercial  infrastructure development in Papua New Guinea and Timor‑Leste. David James takes a closer look.

Opinion: Australia’s questionable move on Pacific infrastructure investment


Recent announcements by Australia’s Prime Minister, Scott Morrison, about infrastructure development in the Pacific are troubling, says Stephen Howes, Director of the Development Policy Centre at the Australian National University.

Australia announces A$3 billion Pacific Infrastructure Bank package


The Australian Government has announced plans to set up an infrastructure bank as part of a A$3 billion suite of measures aimed at countering China’s influence in the southwest Pacific and lifting its own engagement in the region. Regional analysts say the funds need to go to Micro, Small to Medium Enterprises (MSMEs), as well as SMEs, and for small projects in remote areas.